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Cleaning & Environment

Undergrowth clearance
& Burning vegetation


Police Municipale :
  • Tel: 04 92 97 37 40

Clearing undergrowth to prevent fires

La totalité du territoire communal est en classe 1 au titre des obligations légales du débroussaillement (massif très sensible) par l’Arrêté Préfectoral n°2025-001 du 17/01/2025.


Brush clearing must be carried out before June 1 and no later than July 1, the latest regulatory deadline.



For whom?

Since fire knows no property boundaries, brushwood clearing must be carried out on a continuous basis.
The commune of Théoule-sur-Mer has a PPRif (Plan de Prévention des Risques d'Incendie de Forêt - Forest Fire Risk Prevention Plan), a public utility easement that applies to individuals, companies, local authorities and the State, to ensure better protection of property and people.
It is the responsibility of landowners to clear their brushwood, which is mandatory. It is regulated by prefectoral decrees and relayed by local decrees.

A must!

The French Forestry Code requires all land in urban areas and housing estates, whether built-up or not, to be cleared of undergrowth.
Every property owner is required to clear undergrowth within a 100-meter radius of his or her home and 20 meters on either side of roads open to public traffic (10 meters on either side of private roads giving access), including neighboring properties if necessary.

If your neighbor refuses, you must refer the matter to the mayor, who may then proceed to carry out the compulsory clearing required by law.
If this obligation applies to you (art. L. 134-6 of the new French Forestry Code) and you fail to comply with it, the commune, after giving you formal notice, will proceed with the compulsory clearing of undergrowth. The service thus provided will be billed directly to you by the Public Treasury.

Let's not play with fire!

Open-air burning of green waste is prohibited throughout the Alpes-Maritimes department (nuisance to neighbors, risk of fire, increase in air pollution, effects on health).

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