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  • 04 92 97 47 77
Social, Solidarity & Health



Center Communal d'Action Sociale C.C.A.S.
  • Monday to Wednesday 8h30/12h 13h30/16h30, Thursday and Friday 8h30/12h
  • Théoule-sur-Mer Town Hall
    1 Place Général Bertrand
    06590 Théoule-sur-Mer
  • Tel.: 04 92 97 47 74

Center Communal d'Action Sociale

The CCAS is a legally and financially autonomous communal public body, chaired by the commune's mayor and administered by a Board of Directors with a Vice-President elected from among its members. It may intervene within the framework of its compulsory and optional missions, and is bound by confidentiality, professional secrecy and respect for users.

In 2023, as part of our ongoing commitment to listening to you, we carried out a satisfaction survey to gather your suggestions and help shape the C.C.A.S.'s future actions.

The results of the survey are available from the CCAS office, or can be downloaded here :

Thank you for your participation.

Homecare information leaflet to download HERE :

Analyse des Besoins Sociaux

L’ABS est avant tout un outil essentiel d’aide à la décision. Elle vise à identifier et comprendre les besoins collectifs d’une population, afin de mieux adapter les politiques et les actions sociales locales.

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